Sunday, July 11, 2010

Video Presentation: Post OutlineStoryboard on Blog


Distance Education - Title

Learning Content - Narrated Animation as a pre-introduction posed as a question -
Should Learning Content in Distance
Education be the Same as Learning Content
in the Traditional Classroom Format?

Introduction - Narrated with pictures -
Hypotheses and Rationale for the Adaptation
of Learning Content to Distance Education
1. The principles that apply to learning are
fundamentally the same regardless of the
2. The systems or mechanics of presentation
of learning content vary considerably from
one medium to another.
3. The learning content for distance education
should be adapted for the working medium,
whether it be books at home that are shipped
by mail, or a fully online format, or any hybrid
system, to produce optimum learning for the
student at optimum efficiency for the system.

Distance Education Plans
Course Planning for Online Adult Learners - Introduction of key speakers and their ideas - Narration and video
DuCharme-Hansen, B., & Dupin-Bryant, P.
(2005). Distance Education Plans: Course
Planning for Online Adult Learners. TechTrends
Linking Research and Practice to Improve
Learning, 49(2), 31-39. Retrieved from ERIC database.

Six components of distance education plans
building community
DuCharme-Hansen and Pamela A. Dupin-Bryant

What are the Student’s Concerns? - Narration about student attitudes - includes pictures -
Some Learner-Based Values:
Ease in paying attention to Instructors' materials
Ability of instructor to pay attention to students
Ease of reading graphics and visuals
Instructor answers questions
Examples and activities helped the student to learn
Faculty seemed knowledgeable about all topics.
(Stewart, Barbara L. et al 2004)

Developing web-based curricula: issues and challenges - Narration and video
Model for Effective Curriculum Development
Define target students and their needs
Identify instructional objectives
Select the scope of subject content
Organize sequence and structure
Select presentation methods and media
Design assessment activities
Implement formative evaluation
(Chou and Tsai 2002)

Summary and Introduction to our Speakers - Probably Barbara DuCharme and Pamela
Dupin-Bryant - videos and/or narration

For the Video Presentation Story Line Blog, I responded to the following 2 blogs:

Christine Rand:

Amy Cantymagli:

1 comment:

  1. I like how you added in student concerns. I think that that information will grab the attention of the audience and get them excited to listen to the speakers.
